Welcome to my public Zettelkasten#

The sole purpose of this site is to share byte-size knowledge with the world. I hope you find it useful.

Blog Posts vs Zettelkasten#

Blogs require a lot of effort to properly write and maintain. Zettelkasten, on the other hand, is a collection of byte-sized information which I write when I encounter something know and it helps me retain knowledge on two fronts: I'm sharing it publicly, so I have to make sure it's correct, and I can refer back to it later.

How to Use the Site#

This site can be used in two ways:

  1. If you'd like to see what things I have been writing about, you can check the Archive section freely.
  2. Search the website (press s on your keyboard) to find a given topic or keyword.

NOTICE: This content is released under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license, meaning that it may be copied but must remain in identical form and that no content can be created that contains it other than fair-use citations with attribution. Copying this content for any commercial purpose is also not allowed.

Licenses asides, I am not liable nor responsible for any misuse of the content or knowledge hereby written.

If you like this site and would like to sponsor it, you can buying me a coffee. All the support is greatly appreciated.